|* Up Rough's Saukko Pack *
|aka issue 34 - February 2025
@Lisa's Game<Istari
@Bugg Killers<Ghetto Crew
@Shadow of Marghera<Koney
@Fire and Ice<TRSI
@We needed a coder 30 ... <Grotesticle
@The Diskmag #0<Nukleus
@The Story of Josef K. and ...
<...the Cathodic Guillotine
|Right mousebutton for more!
|Up Rough present:
|Saukko Pack
Code, Compilation<Bifat/TEK
|you can make this pack a release
|of * your * group!
|the rulez:
|background gfx 352 * 272 * 16
|font can be proportional
|protracker module
|free placement of texts
|Up Rough & TEK signing off
** Up Rough's Saukko Pack ** Issue 34 It should be stated clearly... Ã…terbetalning was a last-minute addition, and included for the music ... and to showcase swedish umlauts, which have been added especially for this issue. We've put this issue together in a great hurry, as there wasn't enough stuff for a long time. Sorry if it feels a bit like a 'B-Side', despite some messy stuff on here, this wasn't the intention. To the contrary, some excellent stuff is to be found here, by Istari, Koney, Ghetto Crew, Spreadpoint, and this Swiss... thingy.... at the end, to name but a few - among them some of the editor's favourite picks. Credits... } gfx by Nori } music by Tempest } code & compilation by Bifat/TEK Packdisk greetings go to ... Istari, HSDK, Spreadpoint, Ghetto Crew, Koney, TRSI, Grotesticle, Spreadpoint, Nukleus, Computermusiker and la1n. Released: 18-Feb-2025 ... wrap ...